Talks that Transform:
I am passionate about helping everyone come to know the love of God that proclaims, “You are precious, you matter, you belong with Me…” I worked for years trying to prove my own worth, but it was never enough. Jesus has been delivering me from these cycles of struggle, and now I want to share God’s freeing truth in my talk: "No Matter What, You Matter Now" and help others escape those same cycles in their own lives. |
The story of Jesus is filled with people experiencing joy and wonder. Let's experience the wonder of Christ together this Christmas!
Speaking Topics:
The VIP Retreat
Leadership from A to ZExplore twenty-six
sometimes counter-cultural sometimes counter-intuitive always thought provoking leadership concepts inspired by the New Testament's teaching and models of how to live and how to lead. |
At Speak Up I'll be offering
a breakout titled: Thriving in Ministry When a church planter shared that she had set a goal that her planting team would be healthier at the end of the church plant that they were when they began, I was floored. I had never heard anyone set the health of the ministry team as such a high priority. And as I watched her lead, I saw how it shaped how they did ministry. Is it possible to thrive in ministry? I suggest it’s not only possible but critical. Come to this workshop to consider your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly spiritual habits and ponder suggested additions and edits to your rhythms of life that can improve your spiritual health. I invite you to make your health a priority and spend time in this workshop forming a plan that will help you endure, thrive and be fruitful in ministry. |