This page is for you.
Explore this page and linger a moment with the Lord
in the midst of your busy day! I am passionate about affirming, encouraging and equipping Christian leaders. Several years ago I struggled with burnout and almost dropped out of ministry. But Jesus met me in surprising ways, caring for me and bringing healing and freedom. And so now I am offering resources and retreats to help other leaders not only survive but flourish so that, instead of dropping out – or fading out slowly – they continue to grow and experience God’s love, joy and peace in their own lives. You can check out the to see what I have to offer. |
This beautiful song, Be Still, by Jason Phillips, may help you experience a moment of stillness in the midst of your day.
It helps me. |
Be Still.
Could you use a retreat? Take 3 minutes to be still. Start by getting comfortable somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed, letting your body relax and taking a few deep breaths. Then, meditate on Psalm 46:10 slowly. Read: "Be Still and Know that I am God..." Wait in the quiet for 30 seconds. Read: "Be Still and Know that I am..." Wait in the quiet for 30 seconds. Read: "Be Still and Know..." Wait in the quiet for 30 seconds. Read: "Be Still" Wait in the quiet for 30 seconds. Read: "Be..." Wait in the quiet until you are ready. Then pray and move back into your day. (I am grateful for my spiritual director who shared this exercise with me that has been shared by many others. I hope it helps you to still yourself in the presence of God today.) |
Be Loved.
Take a few minutes to ponder the love of Jesus. A Look of Love. Consider reading Mark 10:17-21. This is the story of a wealthy man who had followed the rules all his life. He comes up to Jesus and asks what he had to do to inherit eternal life. Then Jesus quotes from the 10 Commandments showing that to inherit eternal life, one must keep the commandments. The man is able to say he's kept all the commandments since he was young. And then the passage says: "And Jesus looking at him, loved him..." Mark 10:21 ESV. And I want to pause there - you see the passage goes on and Jesus instructs the man to do something that makes him sad because he doesn't want to to do it... But when Jesus looks at this imperfect man, one who is going to wrestle with following him... He loves him. Have you ever wondered what Jesus thinks and feels when He looks at you? When you are asking Him questions... When you are wrestling with following Him? I believe He looks at you and loves you. Take a moment and ponder the verse: "And Jesus looking at him, loved him..." Mark 10:21 ESV. Pray and ask the Lord to speak to your heart through His Word. |
God has poured His love into our hearts
In Romans 5:5 we read, "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us." (Romans 5:5 NIV) Join me in praying, "Lord, I thank you that hope doesn't let me down because you have poured our your love into my heart through your Holy Spirit. I pray I could know and experience your love today. Amen." |
Be You.
Be you.
To be you is to be fully yourself, not some fake version of you, not someone just a bit “better” than you…
It’s being who God made you to be. Be who you are, not who you wish you were, not someone you admire. Be you.
Be all that you are.
Don't hold back! Don't worry about being too much. Let your gifts flow out into this world! We desperately need your ideas, energy, perspectives and gifts.
Right where you are.
Your life is not about to happen... it's happening right now. You do not have to wait for some big opportunity. Be you, all of you, right where you find yourself right now.
When this statement first came to mind in a time of prayer, I was a stay-at-home mom of toddlers. It came to mind again when I was trying to manage a radio show. It came to mind again this last year when COVID-19 upset all my plans and projects. It seems to be God's invitation in every season.
Get in the fray.
Be WHO YOU are.
Be ALL that you are.
RIGHT WHERE you are.
To be you is to be fully yourself, not some fake version of you, not someone just a bit “better” than you…
It’s being who God made you to be. Be who you are, not who you wish you were, not someone you admire. Be you.
Be all that you are.
Don't hold back! Don't worry about being too much. Let your gifts flow out into this world! We desperately need your ideas, energy, perspectives and gifts.
Right where you are.
Your life is not about to happen... it's happening right now. You do not have to wait for some big opportunity. Be you, all of you, right where you find yourself right now.
When this statement first came to mind in a time of prayer, I was a stay-at-home mom of toddlers. It came to mind again when I was trying to manage a radio show. It came to mind again this last year when COVID-19 upset all my plans and projects. It seems to be God's invitation in every season.
Get in the fray.
Be WHO YOU are.
Be ALL that you are.
RIGHT WHERE you are.